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Eddie Carmona

Director of Campaigns
PICO California

As the son of an immigrant farm worker from Jalisco, Mexico and originally from East Los Angeles, Eddie Carmona has been fighting for immigrant rights, restorative justice, access to healthcare, indigenous sovereignty, affordable housing, and other social justice issues for the past 15 years. Growing up in a low-income immigrant community and living in a mixed status family is what propelled Eddie to lead in the social justice movement. While at UC Davis, he organized communities of color for worker rights, student outreach programs, and educational equity for native and farmworker communities. Since 2005 Eddie has specialized in the field of community organizing and policy work in addition to serving as a campaign spokesperson for the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault and a co-founder of Faith in Action’s (formerly known as PICO) immigration campaign known as LA RED. He has studied grassroots organizing efforts amongst indigenous movements in southern Mexico and the effects of U.S. free-trade agreements on their respective economies. In addition, in 2016 Eddie spent over a month in Standing Rock organizing and leading actions, organizing trainings, and healing circles at the California Camp within Oceti Sakowin. Eddie graduated from UC Davis with his B.A. in Communications & Chican@ Studies (Social Policy) and received the Chican@/Latin@ social justice award for his work on campus and surrounding farmworker communities. He has served on several non-profit boards throughout the state of California and was the Legislative Director/Political Director for PICO California from 2017-2020, building out a legislative strategy in collaboration with PICO CA’s grassroots leadership base. Eddie currently resides in the city of Sacramento, CA and has served as the Campaigns Director for the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) over the past 2 years and recently rejoined the PICO California team.

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Eddie Carmona

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Using the Election Season to Build Power

Every cycle organizations hope to emerge from the election more powerful with stronger members and greater leadership. At DPI we have learned that a key to achieving that goal is to have systems for tracking member and leader engagement that are as rigorous as those used to track voter contact. How can an organization do that?

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