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Advisory Committee

Elizabeth McKenna

Assistant Professor of Public Policy
Harvard Kennedy School

Liz McKenna is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and faculty affiliate of the Ash Center for Democratic Governance, Bloomberg Center for Cities, and Center for Public Leadership. She researches and teaches on social movements, democratic organizing, and left and right-wing civic engagement from a global perspective. She received her Ph.D. in sociology from UC Berkeley and was a postdoctoral scholar at the Agora Institute and P3 Lab at Johns Hopkins from 2020-2022.

Resources from

Elizabeth McKenna

Related resources
It Takes Ten Years: The Organizational Sources of State-Level Political Power
Power in Practice
On this panel from the 2023 Annual DPI Convening, leading practitioners and funders discussed what they have learned from the work that base-building organizing groups undertake to build the power they need to achieve policy, electoral, and ideological impact.
Ohio Organizers Experiment with ‘Relational’ Contacts
This study aims to capture a 360-degree picture of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative’s innovative, scaled, 2022 relational voter organizing program with both quantitative and qualitative data.
Measuring What Matters to Build a Multiracial Democracy - DPI Digest
This newsletter highlights the Power Metrics: Measuring What Matters to Build a Multiracial Democracy Report.
Power Metrics: Measuring What Matters to Build a Multiracial Democracy
This report outlines a framework developed by groups in the DPI Organizing Lab to identify and measure strategies that wield power using the data organizations collect and analyze in their day-to-day work.
Past Speaking Events
Oct 4, 2023
Power in Practice

For over three years the DPI Organizing Lab has studied the work that base-building organizing groups undertake to build the power they need to achieve policy, electoral, and ideological impact. On this panel, leading practitioners and funders discussed what we have learned so far and what it will take to shift our sector to a clearer focus on building power.

Oct 21, 2021
Measuring What Matters in the Fight for Our Democracy

Our political industry in the last few decades has come to treat citizens as consumers and not participants, with an increasingly market-driven approach to politics. The impact on research, learning, and metrics has largely been to target citizens as atomized individuals, to measure treatments delivered to these individuals, and to evaluate the impact on an individual basis with voter turnout and partisan support the primary indicators. However, in this learning community, we are focused on growing a healthy, multiracial democracy: driven by and working for powerful grassroots organizations. What does research, learning programs, and metrics look like when our focus is the health of our democracy and power rooted in democratic practice? In this session we will share innovations from the DPI community in the last year around researching and measuring organizing inputs, collective capacities and power in practice. In a case study, Color of Change will share their progress and challenges as they work to put the civic leadership of their members at the center of their evaluation and metrics.

Jul 20, 2022
Concurrent Sessions
Understanding and Influencing the Political Power Infrastructure to Protect Our Elections

What forces shape the political environment and create political “weather?” What role can and does organizing play? Drawing on an in-depth case study of a state-wide campaign to protect democracy in Michigan in the wake of the 2020 election, this session surfaced lessons about how groups can insert themselves in larger power struggles and build the structures and strategic capacity necessary to anticipate and counter well-funded and media-savvy political opponents.

REsource Report

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