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Ray Block

Associate Professor
Penn State University

Ray earned his bachelor’s degrees in philosophy and political science from Howard University and master’s and doctoral degrees in political science from Ohio State.

His research interests include racial, ethnic, and gender differences in civic involvement; the formation and mutability of social identity; campaigns and elections; and other topics. His recent work explores how the COVID-19 pandemic both reflects and contributes to ongoing social inequality in the United States.

Block is also a senior analyst for the African American Research Collaborative, a group of community-engaged pollsters, scholars, researchers, and commentators committed to bringing an accurate understanding of African American civic engagement to the public discourse.

Resources from

Ray Block

Related resources
Meeting People Where They Are: Arts & Activists
Art in many forms has been a critical part of sustaining American movements for centuries. How are current organizers incorporating art and artists into their power-building efforts? What impact does this have on their campaigns and on the artists and members involved?
Lessons in Art Activism - DPI Digest
This newsletter summarizes the findings and recommendations from the Art & Activism case studies in Ohio, Michigan, and Mississippi.
Art & Activism: A Three-State Case Study
This research focuses on the innovative cultural organizing these groups are doing in partnership with artists and activists and examines how arts and culture move narratives within communities of color.
How Art and Culture Move Political Narratives
This breakout session from the 2021 DPI Annual Convening helped participants understand how culture creates and moves civic engagement narratives. Past findings were included, and new research on these organizing strategies was discussed.
Past Speaking Events
Oct 5, 2023
Concurrent Sessions
Meeting People Where They Are: Arts & Activists

Art in many forms has been a critical part of sustaining American movements for centuries. How are current organizers incorporating art and artists into their power-building efforts? What impact does this have on their campaigns and on the artists and members involved?

Oct 21, 2021
Concurrent Sessions
SESSION 2A - How Art and Culture Move Political Narratives

MODERATOR: Prentiss Haney (Co-Executive Director, Ohio Organizing Collaborative) SPEAKERS: Ray Block (Associate Professor, The Pennsylvania State University), Arekia Bennett (Executive Director, Mississippi Votes), Marshall Shorts

No Moderator Events Available.

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