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Shannon Talbert

Senior Organizing Director
Color of Change

Shannon Talbert is the Senior Director of Movement Building. She leads our field and training teams to engage members in Color Of Change campaigns with an emphasis on empowering Black Joy. During the height of the global pandemic, Shannon adapted and scaled our in-person organizing program to create a virtual and distributed program that centered community building, accountability and service. Shannon is committed to fostering an environment of learning and collaboration to design innovative pathways that engage Color Of Change members beyond the petition.

Shannon joined Color Of Change in 2016 after returning home from leading a five year organizing initiative focusing on women and girls education in the Middle East. She began her career as an organizer on Barack Obama’s 2007 primary campaign in South Carolina where she focused on increasing Black voter participation.

Shannon is a native of Atlanta, Georgia and currently lives in Northeast Washington, DC. She studied Government and Politics at The University of Maryland, College Park. In her spare time she enjoys gardening, cycling and reading.

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Shannon Talbert

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Past Speaking Events
Jul 20, 2022
Concurrent Sessions
Brains Over Brawn: Building Strategic Capacity to Strengthen Your Organization

In their groundbreaking book Prisms of the People, Hahrie Han, Liz McKenna and Michelle Oyakawa found that powerful base building organizations build a culture and set of practices where groups of individuals can adaptively deploy their resources to move power strategically. But how can organizations do that important work in an election season when it is easy to reduce our members and volunteers to cogs in a voter contact machine?

REsource Report
Oct 21, 2021
Measuring What Matters in the Fight for Our Democracy

Our political industry in the last few decades has come to treat citizens as consumers and not participants, with an increasingly market-driven approach to politics. The impact on research, learning, and metrics has largely been to target citizens as atomized individuals, to measure treatments delivered to these individuals, and to evaluate the impact on an individual basis with voter turnout and partisan support the primary indicators. However, in this learning community, we are focused on growing a healthy, multiracial democracy: driven by and working for powerful grassroots organizations. What does research, learning programs, and metrics look like when our focus is the health of our democracy and power rooted in democratic practice? In this session we will share innovations from the DPI community in the last year around researching and measuring organizing inputs, collective capacities and power in practice. In a case study, Color of Change will share their progress and challenges as they work to put the civic leadership of their members at the center of their evaluation and metrics.

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