April 25, 2023
Narrative and Identity
Understanding Values Clusters In The Black Electorate - DPI Digest
This newsletter highlights research that builds on our work over the past three years to understand the Black electorate and connect that learning to multiracial organizing and programs.
Sojourn Strategies
HIT Strategies
HIT Strategies

Hello everyone!

I am thrilled that so many of you were able to join us for our recent briefing to share the initial findings from our work to develop values clusters within the Black electorate that can be used by our partners and allies in their organizing and electoral programs. We had more than 300 people register for this webinar, which may be a DPI record!

In order to achieve our goal of building and sustaining multiracial democracy, we need to increase the participation and political agency of Black, Latinx, AAPI, and Native people. That work starts with understanding the values and political identity differences within each of these demographic groups that impact how they see themselves, their political environment, and their power to make change. If we want to connect with and engage people, we have to start with being curious about who they are and what they care about.

This recent round of research builds on our work over the past three years, led by Katrina Gamble, Founder and CEO of Sojourn Strategies and Terrance Woodbury, CEO and Founding Partner of HIT Strategies, to understand the Black electorate and connect that learning to mutiracial organizing and political programs.

You can watch a video of the webinar HERE, that features Katrina, Terrance, and Prentiss Haney, the co-Executive Director of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative who reflects on how these clusters can be applied in a relational organizing program. And HERE is a copy of the slide deck that accompanied the presentation.

Moving forward, we hope to replicate this analysis in several states, support organizations in utilizing these clusters in their organizing and electoral programs, validate our findings with a new national survey, and work with partners to do similar work in the Latinx, AAPI, and Native communities. If you have an interest in working with us on this next phase of work, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.



Related Research

April 10, 2023
Black Values National Survey and Cluster Analysis Briefing
In this video, The DPI Fund, HIT Strategies, and Sojourn Strategist discuss the Black Values National Survey designed to understand the various values and political identities that drive Black civic engagement.